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PCOS effect on the skin

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, affects 6-10% of fertile age women. It can affect the skin, cause hair loss and acne. There is no known cause for this disorder and it appears to result in overproduction of male hormone from the ovary....

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It’s all about the skin barrier

Beautiful and glowing skin is impossible without a healthy skin barrier. A damaged barrier is one of the most common causes of...

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Keratosis Pilaris aka Strawberry Legs

Keratosis Pilaris (KP) also known as “strawberry legs”, “chicken skin,” “bumpy skin”, is a very common but harmless skin condition. Certain treatments and skincare...

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Menopause and its Effect on the Skin

Menopause causes many physical and mental changes in the body, one of which is changes to the skin. Hormone fluctuation is the main culprit...

IPL vs laser hair removal explained
IPL vs laser hair removal explained

Both laser hair removal and IPL treatment have been available commercially since the mid 90’s, yet they are distinctly different. The issue here is...

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Why am I still getting acne in my 30s?

Acne is a common skin condition that affects men and women of all ages. It is commonly associated with teenagers, but the American Academy...

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Anti-Wrinkle Injections FAQ

Anti-wrinkle injections is a safe and effective anti-ageing procedure. Our monthly Injectables Clinic is popular with customers looking for a quick and highly effective...